Sunday, August 20, 2017


When I went to our local Hy-Vee grocery store to deliver a shirt I made a friend of mine I wondered if they were having a super sale or something because the parking lot was packed like it is when there is snow in the forecast!  After finding a parking space way in the back of the parking lot I went in and found a line snaking all the way around the grocery store.  Everyone was waiting in line for Eclipse glasses.  I just shook my head and delivered my shirt before I did my grocery shopping.

Close up of shirt...kind of hard to see...bit it's made with Cricut Glitter HTV

Shirt I made for a friend.  I created the design and it has her name on the back.  I use a cutting board to iron onto and the cabinet I use is a perfect height for me to work on.

Don't get me wrong, I think the Eclipse is kind of cool, I just don't plan on making a big deal about it.  As a matter of fact I unknowingly made a dental cleaning appointment and when I did find out that it was essentially at the same time that the Eclipse will be over my town I decided not to reschedule because I don't really need to see it in real life. I certainly don't want to go to St Joseph, the closest town where it is "best" to view it because it is going to be swamped with people.  Nope, no thanks!  I will go to my dental appointment and then come home and work on some crafty things before I need to work the concessions stand for the JV football game.  Yep, that's right, I am living the dream folks!  

Honestly, I am just struggling in general with direction and motivation right now and am just trying to keep my head above water so to speak.  I am doing my best to do what needs to be done around the house and I feel like I am always behind.  On my agenda this week is working on making some cards and doing some online training to get my business started properly.  

I did manage to take photos of my sons football game on this past Friday...and made myself a new shirt to wear as I watched it! 

On Saturday I also went out craft shopping with my good friend Mary and then came back and packed my craft bag so that it was ready for the Ladies Scrapbooking night that a local group puts on.  We did have some fun and enjoyed making some long over due Scrapbooks!  

My friend Mary and her granddaughter Millie who thoroughly enjoyed herself that evening!

Working on making this week not be meh...and actually enjoying the journey.  Not that  I did not have moments of enjoyment...I did...but joy seems to be more elusive lately and I am tying to change that!

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