my life today...remnants of my rescue meds...and I did not crop out my messy bathroom counter...real life ya'll! |
Well, yesterday, or rather this morning, I did not go to sleep until 3 am because I had a migraine yesterday and once I started feeling "better" I chose to stay up and keep working. That was probably not the best plan considering the fact that I have been throwing up all day today. I woke up to go to the bathroom after a few hours sleep after I heard my husband leave for work. I knew then that I was not feeling right, but I just got an ice pack and decided to lay back down after taking a Zofran for nausea. There really was no choice since anytime I moved I felt like throwing up and I could not walk straight.
After a few more hours of fitful rest, I cannot really call it sleep since I was mainly just trying to keep the world from spinning, I got up and threw up. Throwing up on an empty stomach with a migraine is not exactly fun let me tell you! I decided to force myself to eat something since I knew it would at the very least give me something to throw up the next time and it might even make me feel better. Not really feeling like eating I chose a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Even in my feeble state I could handle that. I started watching a movie in the recliner in the living room. The sandwich was was actually pretty good and I managed to keep it in my system a whole 15 minutes or so...
Not wanting to throw up anymore I reached for my rescue meds that my neurologist gave me one of which is a one hit inhaler with migraine meds. You know I am desperate if I voluntarily took the other...an anti nausea suppository! After I administered these meds I went back to the recliner and finished my movie. When that was over I started watching a new episode of a series I have been watching. Midway through that episode I woke up and turned it off. Still groggy but not really as nauseous I decided to head to the kitchen to make myself some soup.
The only soup I had that was not tomato based and not in a can was chicken and noodle soup in an envelope. Not trusting my ability to use the stove I chose to microwave it. Then I came down to my craft room and decided to write a blog post, doesn't every one do that when they are feeling like crap?
I can hear the microwave now beeping at me telling me my soup is ready. I can also hear all of the unfinished projects in my craft room calling me...but considering that fact that I cannot see straight (thank goodness I can touch type very well...incidentally this always freaks the kids out at home and at school when I worked...they would come in to talk to me and I would turn to look at them and still continue to type away, ha ha) But I digress (more so than usual lol). The soup and recliner will win today and I will go to bed at a normal time tonight and try again tomorrow to start my new adventure!
At some point during the day between throwing up sessions I took a shower. And my shower I mean while I did wash my hair and body for the most part I cranked up the heat to high and stood in the shower letting the hot water attempt to give me some relief from pain. Then I wrapped myself in a towel, grabbed another ice mask from my beside fridge (a gift from my kids for Christmas so that I can have a plentiful supply of ice masks available to me when I have a migraine) and fell asleep in a stupor.
During the day I did check Facebook (even updated it a couple of times...), and checked emails as well. (I should probably go back and make sure I did not say anything too blunt in my medicated/sick state of mind). As I was listening to music in the shower (the album
Young by the Overcoats...very good, you should buy it!) and laying there in bed I wondered if this was God's way of telling me I made the wrong choice in leaving work to pursue my craft business. Then I decided that nope, that was Satan trying to make me think I was wrong.
Yes, today did not go as planned, but I am still in control of my life right now and it looks pretty darn good! With the meds my awesome doctor provided (she really listens to me and when I told her I had to go to the ER with bad migraines sometimes since I throw up the medicine she gave me meds that I can put into my system without going to the ER to get IV meds) I was able to get my migraine and throwing up under control. My "to do list" is just a little longer for tomorrow...
Now I should go re-heat my soup I guess. I just come down to my craft room to get my iPad, not sure what prompted me to write a blog post...